A traditional Cooking base flavor for the Cuban Dish of choice,

It’s a ready to use Sazon that’s cooked to perfction!

The experience of tasting OK Cuban Sazón for the first time will leave you rolling your eyes. This special, handmade, traditional Sazón will revolutionize Hispanic kitchens for those seeking healthier food options or those looking to prepare traditional meals without the hassle of conventional cooking methods, while still delivering a usable product that preserves all its characteristics, style, and unique flavor.

This product serves as a substitute for the entire process of making Sazón from scratch, without compromising its qualities and even enhancing its flavor through marination. The authentic texture, created with real-cut vegetables, is ideal for cooking with a visually appealing presentation in mind. Unlike industrialized machines that mash or blend ingredients and require mincing or preservation with acidic additives, our Sazón is made with real food. Furthermore, our product contains no added preservatives and boasts a natural shelf life of three years, making it even more valuable.

The quality of OK Sazón is easily recognizable by its distinctive handmade ingredients, which contribute to its unique exterior. This characteristic is exclusive to high-quality handmade products, and we strive to offer a superior option that will discourage anyone from attempting to recreate it themselves. By using our product, individuals can save time on Sazón preparation, allowing them to focus on other tasks.

Our Sazón represents a historical Cuban flavor that remains true to its original taste without any alterations. We have achieved this without the need for preservatives, which could modify the authentic taste of this commonly used food additive. This Cuban Sazón has been perfected, eliminating the necessity for the use of cooking chemicals. Additionally, our product retains its originality, maintaining both its color and taste. It serves as an all-natural ingredient designed to replace the traditional Sazón-making process without any modifications.

In just seconds, anyone can add this time-saving Sazón to any meal, infusing it with an authentic Cuban taste. Whether it's marinating meats, enhancing the flavor of beans, or using it as a favorite party dip when combined with cream cheese, the possibilities are endless.

OK Cuban Sazón serves as the foundation for flavor in most Hispanic kitchens. It is the first of its kind, and our Sazón stands alone in maintaining its original appearance. Unlike all other companies that have attempted to create similar products but using mashed or minced techniques like all companies, our Sazón is the only one made by hand, preserving the integrity of the vegetable pieces so that they are left in their normal appealing manner.

Every batch of our Sazón is hand-cooked, stirred, and poured to ensure it retains its original form. It eliminates the need for multiple steps required to achieve the famous Cuban taste, offering a much simpler approach while still maintaining the texture and authenticity that sets it apart as the only true, authentic, handmade Sazón.